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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Meanings of the Houses

All the different areas of life are distributed among the 12 houses and

each house influences certain matters. In order to denote which area of

the life is being focused on, we look to these houses for their particular

significations as follows:

First house: (Lagna) – Adya, Kalpa, Janma (birth), physical body,

physical features, living or livelihood, character, personality, individuality,

temperament, color, general constitution, health, vitality, vigor,

tendencies, struggle for life, success/ failures, fortune/misfortune, honor,

dignity, well being, head and upper part of the body, gain and profit of

younger brother, patrimony of mother, higher studies, heirs, death,

income, overall happiness, self respect, ego, purchase of house, land,

property, vehicles.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the first house or the planets

situated in the Lagna with more then 4 points, the results will be linked to

fourth and eighth house matters. Students are requested to check out

this statement as well as any further statements given below in red italic

letters. This thought may be new for most of us. Check this with the

known results of a chart familiar to you.)

Second house: Wealth, food, right eye, face, speech, family, relatives,

auspicious matters, property, money and money matters, bonds and

securities belonging to native, bank balances, grandfather, grand

mother, wife, children, ability to express the thoughts, marriage,

description of the partner, memory, imaginations, acquisition of a house,

vehicles, foreign relations, short trips, authority, success of the children,


(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the second house or the planets

situated in the second house with more then 4 points, the results will be

linked to fifth and/or ninth house matters)

Third house: Courage, ear/hearing, firmness, heroism, mother (NOTE:

In standard Vedic, the mother is represented by the 4th house while in

this system, the mother is represented by the 3rd house.), brothers and

sisters, bad thoughts, mental strength, mental inclinations (for study),

assistance from others, acquisition of bank loans, correspondence,


means of communications, religion, acquisition of authority, start of a

new adventure, short trips, writing books, publications, change in

residence, contracts, agreements, success in selection in an interview/


(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the third house, or the planets

situated in the third house with more than 4 points, the results will be

linked to sixth and/or tenth house matters.)

Fourth house: House, home, residence, land, relations, vehicle,

happiness, water, learning, Dara (wife), marriage, acquisition of loan,

garden, crops, agriculture, Vedic and secret text etc. ( NOTE: In

standard Vedic, the mother is represented by the 4th house. In this

system, the mother is represented by the 3rd house.)

(Note: In the sub period of the lord or the planets situated in the fourth

house with more then 4 points, the results will be linked to seventh and/

or eleventh house matters.)

Fifth house: House of crown, tax, intellect, children, belly, Vedic

Knowledge, traditional laws, previous deeds, partnership, diseases, Long

journey, etc.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord or the planets situated in the fifth

house with more than 4 points, the results will be linked up to eighth

and/or twelfth house matters.

Sixth house: Debt, arms, wounds, disease, enemies, assistants,

jealousy, fear, danger, loans, status in society, sickness, health, earnings

by underhanded dealings, luck factor, short journeys, court matters,

advocates, disputes, work and service, employees, subordinates,

servants, faithfulness of the subordinates, pet animals, tenants,

sanitation, herbs. It is an important house to find out about earnings,

competition etc.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the sixth house or the planets

situated in the sixth house with more than 4 points, the results will be

linked up to the ninth, and/or lagna house matters.)

Seventh house: Desire, life partner (husband or wife), business partner,

love, passion, house of union, daily routine work, fixed assets,

Acquisition of authority, increments, higher post, etc, accidents (NOTE:

In standard Vedic, accidents are represented by the 8th house. In this

system, they are represented by the 7th).


(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the seventh house or the planets

situated in the seventh with more then 4 points, the results will be linked

up to tenth and/ or second house matters.)

Eighth house: Life, Longevity, defeat, insult, sorrow, scandal, bribes,

death, obstacles, mystery, misery, delay, imprisonment, theft, robbery,

income derived through life partner, etc

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the eighth house or the planets

situated in the eighth with more then 4 points, the results will be linked

up to eleventh and/ or third house matters.)

Ninth house: Father, guru, teacher, worship, luck, Dharma, faith, grand

son, fortune, wisdom, post graduation, religious and philosophical

beliefs, prosperity, long journey, acquisition of landed property etc.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the ninth house or the planets

situated in the ninth with more then 4 points, the results will be linked up

to twelfth and/ or fourth house matters.)

Tenth house: Livelihood, authority, honor, work, commerce, trade,

business, success, position, command, quality, children, status. It is also

known as the apex of the horoscope, respect, ambition, etc.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the tenth house or the planets

situated in the tenth with more then 4 points, the results will be linked up

to lagna and/ or fifth house matters.)

Eleventh house: Profit, gain, income, desire, wealth, acquisition,

fulfillment of desire, trusts, profit and pleasure, wishes, etc.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the eleventh house or the planets

situated in the eleventh with more then 4 points, the results will be linked

up to second and/ or sixth house matters.)

Twelfth house: Bondage, loss, bed comforts, Moksha, long journeys,

foreign relations, expenditures, divine worship, loss, misery etc.

(Note: In the sub period of the lord of the twelfth house or the planets

situated in the twelfth with more then 4 points, the results will be linked

up to third and/ or seventh house matters.)


On the next page is a Summary Table that easily illustrates these notes.

If, for example, a person has an AQUARIUS ascendant and is going

through a MARS – SATURN dasa, the subperiod lord of the Lagna,

SATURN, would now be linked up to the 4th and/or the 8th house. During

this time period, events revolving around either/ both of these house

matters will be in play. This is also true for any planets residing in the

Lagna that have more than 4 bindus or points in their individual

bhinnashtakavargas. They will also be linked up to these houses as well.













1 1 4 AND/OR 8

2 2 5 AND/OR 9

3 3 6 AND/OR 10

4 4 7 AND/OR 11

5 5 8 AND/OR 12

6 6 9 AND/OR 1

7 7 10 AND/OR 2

8 8 11 AND/OR 3

9 9 12 AND/OR 4

10 10 1 AND/OR 5

11 11 2 AND/OR 6

12 12 3 AND/OR 7

General concepts:

The results of any house are dependent upon the correct interpretations

of the following things:

1. The strengths, aspects, conjunctions and placements of the lord of the


2. The natural qualities of the house, its lord, the planets situated in it,

and the aspects on the house.

3. The strength of the house itself.

4. Yogas influencing the house, its lord etc.


5. Exaltations or debilitations of the lord.

6. Conditions of the lord (whether favourable or adverse).

7. Condition of the aspected house lord under consideration.

8. Same thing applies in the Navamsa chart.

9. The age, position, status and sex of the person.

All of the above points are required to be properly weighed before any

results can be concluded. The results are generally predicted on the

above basis only.

Now the question arises as to how accurate of a result do we get from

the above concepts? Much depends of course on the accuracy of the

interpretive skills of the astrologer. It is always easy to look back in

hindsight and find the answer after the fact, but in order to be able to

accurately predict an event or give the probable dates for an event,

applying these same laws with skill and precision takes much practice.

It is said that the result of a timed event is experienced in either the

major, the sub period or the sub-sub period of the:

a) Lord of the house

b) Planets aspecting the house

c) Planets posited in the house

d) Planets aspecting the lord of the house

e) Planets in association with the lord of the house.

All of the above statements do not prove to be correct in any case

other than at random. Hardly a single event of the life can be

predicted when using the above method. These laws cannot be

proven universally in all cases.

In the following chapter, we will discuss how to use the Upachaya

method in order to show its importance in correctly assessing the timing

of different events and how all these houses interact with each other to

enable us to arrive at a valid and intelligent conclusion.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Transits (Gochara)

Transits (Gochara)

Transits are the most important predictive tool used in astrology both East and West. A transit of a planet is referred to as where a planet is currently in the sky, and where it will continue to move in the future. The astrological reference book to look up the placements of the planets is called the planetary ephemeris. The ephemeris is the calculations of the planetary movements. There are listings for any year. They can be referred to for past events or future events. Astrological computer programs have this information as well. The sign (constellation) and degrees are noted and compared to the birth chart. When the planets transit (move) to aspect the planets in the birth chart there is a hit, and an event occurs. The same principles of reading a birth chart will apply to the transits.

Houses of Transits

A planet that enters by transit different houses in the birth chart will begin to activate that house and its house meanings. When transiting Jupiter enters into the fourth house there may be an opportunity to move, or buy a new car, since the fourth house rules real estate, and cars. Jupiter is the great benefactor and seems to bring things into our lives.

Aspects of Transits

If a transiting planet forms an aspect to a natal planet then the house the natal planet is in will be activated as well as the houses that natal planet rules. The aspects the planets give are the same as in the natal chart. All the planets aspect the opposite sign and the sign they reside. Mars special aspects are 4, and 8, Jupiter aspects 5,and 9, Saturn aspects 3 and 10. EX. If transiting Jupiter enters the fourth house and conjuncts Mars, then the houses ruled by Mars will be involved in the event. If it is a Virgo ascendant with Mars in the fourth, Mars would rule the eighth and third houses. The move could involve siblings (3rd) or property inherited (8th).

Transiting Planets House Relationship to Natal Planets

When processing the effects of a transiting planet, the relationship to natal planets regardless of the aspects will produce the effects of their spatial relationship. For example, if transiting Saturn is 5 degrees of Taurus and natal Mars is 5 degrees of Libra, they will be in a 6/8 relationship. Meaning if you count the signs/houses away from Saturn, Mars will be 6 signs/houses away, when you count back around (always in forward direction) to Saturn you will count 8 signs/houses. This will give the same meanings of what the houses of 6 and 8 mean to these planets. Indicating with both planets as malefic forces they could produce a serious accident (6th house) or death (8th house). Whenever a transiting planet comes to the same degree as a natal planet then this technique must be applied. Count to see the spatial relationship, and apply the meanings of the numbers involved, this means the meaning of the house in number. The spatial relationships are 1/1, 2/12, 3/11, 4/10, 5/9, 6/8, 7/7.

1/1: This is the conjunction, when 2 planets are in the same sign/house. This is the most dramatic and intense relationship of all. It will have the intensity of the 1st house. The area of life that will be most affected will be the house they are in, all the matters ruled by this house will come to the forefront. For example, if transiting Saturn conjoins natal Sun in the 10th house there will be an event involving the career and social standing of this individual. The Sun could even represent the boss and Saturn could severe the relationship indicating trouble in their career possibly even getting fired from a job.

2/12: This relationship between planets involves receiving and giving, or acquiring and loss. This involves the principle of the 2nd house of acquisition as well as the 12th house of loss. For example, if transiting Jupiter is 12th from the natal Moon there could be considerable loss financially (12th) but charitable gifts received (2nd).

3/11: Both houses 3 and 11 are upachaya houses having to do with striving for improvement. They are competitive and goal oriented usually attaining desires, and due to being kama houses they involve relationships, in the form of help from friendships. Transiting Venus 11th from the natal Moon can bring help from some female friends (11th) by exchange of ideas (3rd) or just listening when someone needs a friend.

4/10: This is extremely event oriented; you can count on change occurring with this relationship. These are both angles and are action packed. If transiting Mars is 10th from natal Jupiter there can be a career change (10th) that may involve a change of home life or residence (4th).

5/9: Here we have the influence of the dharma houses giving purpose or meaning to the life. The influx of energy here will come easily with a stroke of luck. Transiting Jupiter 9th from natal Mercury will bring a fortunate experience involving higher learning or a trip (9th) that is fun (5th).

6/8: This is a difficult relationship similar to the quincunx in western astrology and is actually call a yod or the finger of God. The yod is involved in accidents or transforming life events through suffering. Transiting Mars 6th from natal Saturn can cause an accident (6th) that could involve death or a major life transformation (8th).

7/7: This is the opposition of 2 planets and will always carry the significance of relationships between people. This does not only apply to marriage, but any kind of relationship. If transiting Saturn opposes the natal Moon there may be relationship difficulties with the mother.

These examples are of course overly simplified and there are many other factors to be considered. Mainly the houses these relationships actually reside in, and the houses these planets rule. But instead of conflicting information all these variables usually point to similar things helping to confirm a prediction.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

3rd house

Writing, traveling, transportation, mail order, newspapers, postal worker, draftsman, mechanic,
telephone operator, bookkeeper, stenographer, electrician, architect, accountant, copywriter, bus
or taxi driver, speech therapist. Those who write a great deal, who draw, draft or place anything
on paper. Media associated with this area are study, education, talking and conversation,
phoning, newspapers, periodicals, or mental activity. Mail, garages, local transportation, cars, and
travel.Represents younger brothers or sisters, neighbors, courage, physical strength, sports,
initiative, entrepreneurial nature, the power of understanding, short journeys, initiation into
spiritual techniques, writing and communicative capability and the body parts - lower neck,
shoulders, arms and ears (especially the right ones), hands, shoulders and collar bones, thyroid
gland, respiratory and nervous systems, etc. For example, weakness of the third house and/or
afflictions to the third house or its lord cause vulnerability to problems of respiratory canal,
disorders of thyroid, imbalances in the nervous system, depression resulting in partial paralysis,
stammering, shoulder pains, fracture in the collar bone region, partial deafness, respiratory
diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. A strong Mercury, as a significator of communicative
capability, helps as a protective cover.

2nd house

Financial transactions, banking, caretaker of possessions, appraiser, financial broker, cash
accounting clerk, bank teller, claims adjuster, bondsmen, securities agent, payroll clerk, buyer,
auctioneer. Activities concerned with people's finances and possessions.
Represents wealth, family, livelihood, nourishment, male child, higher education, professional
position, spouse, second marriage, continuance of married life, possession of precious stones
and metals, money in cash, earning capacity, financial status, fortune, prosperity, movable
properties, speech, vision and the body parts - face and its organs (nose, throat, mouth, tongue,
teeth and eyes, especially the right one), facial bones, upper neck and its bones, gullet, larynx,
cerebellum, trachea, cervical region and cervical bones, tonsils, etc. For example, weakness of
the second house and/or afflictions to the second house or its lord cause vulnerability to poor
digestion, disorders of speech, throat, cervical, gums, eyes, teeth, etc., and diseases mainly
arising out of a weak venous system. A strong Mercury, as a significator of speech, helps as a
protective cover.

1st house

Selling through personal contact, capitalizing on the personality, physical activity, costumer, actor,
store clerk, athlete, dancer, physical therapist, anthropologist, receptionist, model, gymnast,
laborer, make-up artist. Related to occupations in which the physical body assumes importance,
either for endurance, stamina, strength, or the personal appearance.Represents the person, his
innate nature and state of health, vitality, longevity, happiness, personality, appearance,
prosperity, general disposition in life, reputation and status, desires and their fulfillment and the
body parts - complexion, head (cranium and forehead) and brain, hair, pituitary glands, etc. For
example, weakness of the first house and/or afflictions to the first house or its lord result in a
sickly constitution, causing vulnerability to headache, mental tension, paralysis, giddiness,
wounds, scars, erratic activity of endocrine glands, derangement, brain fever, stupidity, nose
bleeding, etc. A strong Sun and Mars, as significators for vitality and energy respectively, help as
a protective cover.